Life With Maier

Random stories from a random person

Heal Your Headache as a Flexitarian

I have had migraines for over 20 years and they keep progressing worse and worse. At first, it was just a headache. Then it became these scary visual migraines that began before my migraine. The first time it happened, I thought I was going blind. Then began the vestibular migraines. I would get these vertigo drops where it felt like I was falling while I was standing up. This would also begin before the headache and ended up just becoming this constant state of dizziness. I had read the book Heal Your Headache about 15 years ago but I wasn’t struggling enough with them at the time that I felt like I could follow the diet the neurologists who wrote the book prescribes. I decided a while back that I needed to do something about them. I have had several MRIs and they did find a pineal cyst but the truly awful neurologist I saw says it has nothing to do with my migraines. I have tried many different types of preventatives but I am so sensitive to medication, that the side effects weren’t worth it. I found this blogger called the DIzzy cook who got her vestibular migraines under control in large part because of the elimination diet in Heal Your Headache. I bought her cookbook as well. Unfortunately, I am not a fan of meat or her style of cooking. I decided the only way I could do this plan was to do it my style. Which in part is a lazy style. Stay tuned for some quick meal ideas and updates on how the headaches are coming along.

The photo is a quick rice dish I put together with my kiddo. We cooked rice. Then we grilled shallots, shredded zucchini, shredded carrots, and green onions. Then we added some coconut aminos and green onions fresh on top. It was delicious and Heal Your Headache Compliant.